Dienstag, 8. Juni 2010

One of those days

I just have had one of those days where everything just does not go the way you wished. It feels like sinking into sand slowly but surely. Hopefully tomorrow goes better. With this economy and my current situation and the possibility of being a "delay fish" I have a hard time talking to my parents, because the whole conversation revolves around jobs and whether I got one or have been working to try to find one. I miss the conversations where I can talk about my day and what I like and enjoy. Makes me not want to call them. I decided I would anyways, and I got into the predicted conversation I knew would happen, getting the full brunt of frustration and criticism from their end. Just as I predicted. Go figure. I am tired, I might have checked out. Maybe that is wrong. I will get through. One day at a time.....

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