Mittwoch, 26. Januar 2011

A Heap of Change

My mom told me that I was a baby who thrived with a schedule. I had to have my daily routine just so, or it would throw me off. Growing up, I learned that change is inevitable and that it happens all around me. I learned that it is easier to cope with small changes to your life, but the big changes is still a struggle to grasp and get used to.

As I have had to move a lot throughout my life, you would thing I would be used to change (I have counted, and I have 26 moves within my 25 years of life so far, going on 27 moves soon). I deal with change, but I don't tend to strive for change. Once I get used to a place, and the life I live there, it is hard for me to choose otherwise.

At the end of November, a job opportunity came up that my parents told me about. It was a job in Japan, to teach English. I did not really think much about it. When they emailed me again with more information about the job, I realized that it was a great opportunity for paying off loans and the chance to go back home for a while. When this realization hit me, I was filled with mixed emotions. Both excited for this great opportunity and saddened at the realization that there was a chance I would have to move and leave a lot of friends that have become like family to me. After a bit of crazy emotions ebbing through me about the whole situation, a peace came over me. I decided that I would go for this job opportunity full force, trying as hard to get the job, and if it was not to happen, God would definitely close the door. I filled out the application, got the phone interview, passed that and was scheduled for a seminar/in-person interview in January. I had a lot to prepare for that. I was a bunch of nerves the week of the interview. I went to the interview. A few weeks later I found out that I got accepted! I was excited and overwhelmed. I went for this job, and got it!

That is my heap of change. I am moving overseas! I will be returning to the country where I grew up in, but I know that going there as an adult and working in their school system is going to be a complete different experience from the Japan that I grew up in. This is a big change for me, and I am not sure yet if it has completely hit me that it is actually happening. I chose change. I am choosing to leave sturdy ground but God is carrying me through and only by God's grace will He get me there and help me through the many changes that will inevitably happen, both in these next few months before I leave, and when I do leave.

They have not placed me yet, so I do not know where in Japan I am going to be living, but I am hoping that they place me where my parents are.

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