Mittwoch, 29. September 2010

"Where Do You See Yourself 10 years from now?"

Have you been asked the question "Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?" It is very probable that you have, just as much as I have been asked that. I was driving down this beautiful, windy road and contemplating on life (I tend to do that when I am amongst beautiful scenery.) That question popped up in my head. Here are my thoughts:

When can I stop answering that question, and actually have some of those things I want to see happen within those ten years happen? Let me explain. 10 years ago, I would be fifteen. I am quite sure I was asked that question at some point in my fifteenth year of life. What I might have said then, I am pretty sure is not what I am doing now, ten years later. Does that mean I am a failure or that I was very inaccurate in what my hopes and dreams were. Possibly a mixture of both. Or my direction that I am going now is on a better track than what my fifteen year old self could think of at that time. I am still unsure as to what option to pick for what I am doing now. Even now, when I am asked that question, I still say a lot of the same things I said when I was fifteen, with some added points, as I have learned more about myself and my gifts. But there are some primary points to my list that have not changed. These points have not changed and I am no where near having those accomplished. Basically, I am not married and therefore not starting a family at this point in my life. I did not picture that 10 years ago. I at least pictured myself moving towards those things by now. Apparently I am a snail in the way of life and some things will not come to me as quickly as I had expected.

I am accomplishing a lot and finding new things about myself and what I enjoy doing. Playing and teaching piano is really becoming a big joy in my life, and am very excited to have students and to be able to inspire them with the love of music. I do not know where I will be 10 years from now, but I sure hope it will not look the same as it does now. Not that the present is bad, it is just definately not where I want to be 10 years from now, and I know I have some new things added to my list for the next 10 years.

The way I list things is not put in an order of importance.

1) No more loans from school

2) Overseas (Europe or Asia)



5)Music and Art a part of my life in ministry or business (both)

3 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

I am so happy you have music in your life. Being able to play and teach piano is such an amazing gift. You are a very talented person, Hannah, and I know you will do great things even if they aren't what you expected or when you expected them. God has a way of working everything out in His perfect timing.

Rebekah E. hat gesagt…

Even when you are 55 and asked where do you see yourself in 10 years, you won't get it right.

It just shows that our plans aren't God's plans. He is the one that has not only created us, but has sculpted the path we will walk along. So while we are standing on the path looking to the left or right, seeing things on the horizon that WE want to do, He is the one that will choose if and when our paths will wind to that particular point on the horizon.

I find it interesting to look back and see all the things that I didn't want to do, or things that I randomly chose to do and seeing the "aha, that is why that happened." Like you going back to playing piano... "aha! That is why God made you chose to go back to piano lessons" So that you could now teach others to love the instrument as much as you do!

japanahana hat gesagt…

aw you are both wonderful people!! Thanks for the encouragement :) I do like the "Aha" moments...have any AHA moments lately? Cool question