Donnerstag, 7. Oktober 2010

I am a puzzle....

A torn, confused puzzle. Puzzle pieces spread on the table. My life is a puzzle, and that most of my pieces are spread on the table and not yet connected. Each piece is an experience, a gift, a characteristic, a talent, a past, a present, a future. Most are disconnected. Some of the pieces have been pieced together. Mainly the past. The present and future are still the disconnected, unknowing pieces on the table. God knows the complete picture at the end of the road. The process of getting the pieces connected is a journey full of joy, sadness, gratefulness, hardships, obstacles and many life lessons. How I am feeling right now is that some of those pieces that I thought were connected and made sense, are now being torn and broken apart again. Am I putting the wrong puzzle pieces together? Should I be putting other ones together? It is a good thing that I am not the one putting the puzzle together, but it makes me wonder if I still am trying to put it together by myself. What will my picture look like when it is all connected?